Claire McLaughlin on why she loves volunteering at the Hospice #volunteersweek #hospiceheroes

wirral_hospice_volunteer_claire_mclaughlinClaire McLaughlin decided to become a volunteer at Wirral Hospice St John’s six years ago. She was already volunteering at Claire House and for the Katie Piper Foundation but wanted to help something she was really passionate about.

Claire’s mum was an oncology nurse at Clatterbridge. “She is the most caring person I have ever met in my life and adored her job. She had to retire due to ill health and I wanted to carry on her good work by giving something back to help people who are critically ill and need extra support.”

Claire works full time as a PA to a Headteacher / Clerk to Governors and Human Resources for a school.

“I volunteer for as many shifts as I possibly can for the Hospice, helping out on the main reception and with general duties. I adore my work at Wirral Hospice and have met the most amazing people ever. I would do more if I could!

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Do something amazing in 2014!

Do something amazing and make 2014 your year to get fit and get involved. This year there is a race for everyone, from the Port Sunlight 5K to the Liverpool or Chester Marathon. You may be an experienced runner looking to enter the toughest event or a beginner tackling a 5K.

If you have ever thought about taking up running to become fitter and stronger with increased stamina, then signing up for an event and having a goal is a fantastic way to progress and keep motivated. Running for charity is a great way to get fit, meet new people and make a difference. Like thousands of others, you too could make 2014 a year you will never forget.

Make it the year you achieved something you didn’t think you could. Make it your year to make a difference. Make it for Wirral Hospice St John’s.

Local Running Events:

btr Liverpool Half Marathon – 23rd March
Port Sunlight 10K & 5K – 11th May
Chester Half Marathon – 18th May
Rock ‘n’ Roll Liverpool Marathon & ½ – 25th May
Mersey Tunnel 10K – 8th June
Tour of Merseyside – 6th-12th July

To run in support of Wirral Hospice St John’s contact: Hayley 0151 343 0778 /

We are waiting to hear from you! Join our team!
